RYA Day Skipper Navigation (theory) 16 classes

16 Week Course | RYA Accredited | Level: Intermediate


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RYA Day Skipper Navigation (theory) 16 classes


Accredited by:Royal Yachting Association

About this course

The course is taught through a Distance Learning format : Online via Zoom weekly plus 2 face to face classes. 

Evening classes begin on Wed Jan 31st 19:30-22:00,  weekly on Zoom .

Plus 2 classes on 1 full day face to face at the RCYC, Crosshaven, Co.Cork 09:30-17:30.

Allow 4 hrs+ weekly to study.

We use a mix of videos, presentations and interactive tutorials on Zoom. We will use Google Classroom to deliver and monitor course material.  Classes are recorded if you miss one. 

What do you need :You will need to buy course materials, a package of books and equipment which we post out to you.  It costs €130 includes postage must be ordered separately on https://sailcork.courseco.co/pay-online(Postcode essential) 

Course director Eddie English is an ISA/RYA Yachtmaster Examiner. Eddie’s reputation is recognised worldwide having sailed in Europe, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, the USA, Australia and the Pacific. Eddie is supported by Yachtmaster Instructor and Senior Powerboat Instructor, Peter Scallan.Great customer care with Admin and office support from Jo English and Engine room team. 


Nautical terms, Ropework, Anchorwork, Safety, Rules, Position, Charts(paper and electronic),  Navigational Publications, Navigational Instruments, Compass, Chartwork, Tides (Heights and Streams), Visual Aids to Navigation, Meteorology, Passage Planning, Navigation in Restricted Visibility, Pilotage and the Marine Environment.

Why do this course ? 
